Christmas comes but once a year…



It’s Christmas time at Moreton Pit

And let’s just face it, it’s been a bit s**t!

First was the snow that closed Moreton Mill

And Mrs F C (Fat Controller) was ever so ill…


Then came the thaw that left all the water

So the trains couldn’t run just as they oughta

photo 2

Spring bloomed at last and the birds how they sang!

But the bridge fell apart with a bit of a bang!


Summer was warm and sunny and bright

And now Mr F C  wasn’t feeling alright!


Soon came the Autumn, oh what a shame

Still no sign of a loco or train!



But worse was to come and wasn’t that far….

What was to become of the MPLR?

Vincent at Moreton Pit Station

A terrible wind of strength and of might

that blew oh such chaos all through the night!


It took off some tiles and toppled some poles

The signal box roof was left with just holes!

photo 3


But now it’s December and Christmas is near

We’ve only got left to say Happy New Year!


Just as a little bonus here’s another chance to see last years Pits Productions Christmas film offering….



One Response to “Christmas comes but once a year…”

  1. Bob Kirchner Says:

    I wish you all the best for 2014

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