Well, it might not be the Emmys but it’s a start!
Wednesday, September 21st, 2011
Pits Productions are very proud to announce that they have had their first Film Festival viewing of one of their films! On Tuesday night, the Pits Productions, team along with the composer of the music for the soundtrack, were at the showing of the silent movie ‘A Christmas Carol’ at the fringe event ‘Sound and Vision’ of the First Page Film Festival in Chelmsford, Essex. It is a new film festival and is part of Altogether Now.
The film seemed to be very much appreciated by the audience and the Pits Productions team were pleased with how well the evening went. They are trying very hard not to let it go to their heads! Anyhow, the film ‘A Christmas Carol’ is not due for release yet to the general public but meanwhile you can have a little taster by watching the trailer for it here on the MPLR website! Enjoy……
‘…..I would like to thank my mother for giving me the opportunity………………’