Archive for May, 2010

Ne’er cast a clout until May is out!

Monday, May 31st, 2010

Well, apart from the minor heatwave we had in the early part of May we have to say here at the MPLR it’s not been that warm, has it!  But, having said that the birds are still convinced that spring has sprung and they too have sprung into action, namely nest building.  We showed you signs of a nest being built found by eagle-eyed Reserve Manager and his pair of binoculars, which we believed to be a Guffinhawk nest and we can now reveal that it …………

this is the view we had last time...

You can just see that there is something in the nest from here so we got Bill Goodie to shin up another nearby tree to see if he could get a better glimpse and this is what he saw……

Can we do better than this?

Now we did say that the Guffinhawk plucks it’s breast feathers to line the nest, so lets get just that bit closer……..

Ah yes Bill Goodie confirmed for us that this indeed is a Guffinhawk nest!

After all this excitement on the MPLR we forgot to mention that actually the station area is going through a complete refurbishment at the moment and we will of course be keeping you up to date during the next coming weeks but we couldn’t leave without showing you that a start has already been made on repainting of the doors and woodwork at the station.  Alex  Goldman is fairly new to the MPLR and was taking a break after painting all the doors on Platform 1 this morning when Station Master Donald Harris paid him a visit.

"What do you mean it's the wrong colour?"

Alex was not impressed when he was informed in no uncertain terms that he had to take all the paint off and re-do them in the proper MPLR door colour of ‘Institute Yellow’!

'Paint the doors, they said. Nobody told me it had to be bloomin' yellow!'