The next train arriving at Platform……..
Finally the day had arrived, another Autumn Steam Up on the MPLR! Staff had been busy all day in preparation for the big event and lots of visitors and visiting locos were expected. Would the weather hold this year, would the cream teas arrive on time, would the track be ready?? All the train spotters were out in force and they were at the ready with their binoculars (or was that the bird watchers?).

The Autumn colours on the trees are really starting to show now and as you can see the sun did shine!
Thanks to all of you who turned up on the day, it was a lovely afternoon even if the weather was a bit hit and miss! Many thanks go to the catering staff yet again and Mrs Fat Controller would like to personally thank everyone for the birthday wishes and cards etc. Also thank you to Paul for the extra photos (you know who you are) it is nice getting someone else’s view of the railway.