The completion of the second passenger coach for the MPLR was announced yesterday. In fact the inaugeral outing was up in Norfolk (see below). This afternoons late passenger run set off with the new coach coupled to the 1st/2nd class coach and as usual hauled by Arthur-James. Everything went well as the train set off over Moreton Bridge. A full load of passengers embarked at Bill Oddie Halt and Arthur set off to cross Redbridge and transport he passengers back to the station via Chafford Gorge when disaster struck. Or stuck might be a better way of putting it.
The fact of the matter is that Redbridge is not wide enough for the new 2nd/guard coach! The pair of hand rails fitted to the rear of the coach turned out to be the same width as the uprights on the bridge.
Paramedics were quickly on the scene and there were no serious injuries, although several passengers were treated for shock and spilt icecreams. The management have anounced this evening that, following consultation with the contractors, the bridge will need to be closed for major rebuilding.
The MPLR appologise unreservedl
y for any inconvenience caused but would point out that the nature reserve remains open to the public but that access to the hides is only possible by foot.
The photo on the left shows Redbridge just after building work was completed. The contractors insist that it was built to specifications supplied by the management . However the management reckon this is just an excuse. Er, well, maybe. Watch this space for further details